thank to Allah who has given us mercy and blessing, so we can attend and gather
in this occasion in happy condition and good situation.
and Salam to our Prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has brought us from the darkness to
the lightness until we can discriminate right.
I don`t forget to thank to MR Chairman who has given me the opportunity to
speak in front of you all. Now Iam standing here, I should discuss you about :
Ladies and gentlement !
Before I begin my speech, I want to give all of you a
question. “Is important to learn English ?” Maybe the answer can be “Yes” and
also can be “No”
But, all of us know that English is one of some international languages that widely used
in many country except Arabic, Chinese, and French. English
is a language that comes from United Kingdom (UK) and then spread through
colonization until Americas which then English was used there. After that,
English growth and developed in many contries. And up to now, it used in more
than 100 countries. English also became the international language for
business, sports, academics, science, technology, adversiting and diplomatic. So, that wasn`t strange if there was a wiseword said, “ If you can speak English, you will be able to control the world
so easily.”
From those fact, shall we ask “Is important to learn
english ?”
However, now many indonesian people still can`t speak
english. Most of their reason is they are lazy to learn English because it isn`t
used in their daily lives. Beside that, many others said that “Why
do we have to learn English? If we still have our own language, Indonesian? or
Why do we have to learn English? If we still have thousand of traditional
languagees which we should preserve them together?”
Ladies and gentlement !
Ladies and gentlement !
Actually, the purpose of study English is as stock when we will go in the life of globalization. Each person
must wrestle in a globalized world if they want to grow and not running in
place. Beside
that, we live in this world is not free from the dependency of everything,
especially in international relationship with other country. From the dependency,
we certainly need a language that can connect us to other when we want to make
communication with other people from other country. And English appears as that
international language that we know. So, English is a language that must be
learned by all young Indonesia`s generation to have an international outlook which will determine the future of our beloved
country, Indonesia.
I think that`s all. If any mistakes from my speech, I apologize to you all.
Thank you for your nice attention.
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